
Hershey Community Garden Resources

PennLive Gardening Q and A
Question and Answer forum powered by The Patriot News; questions answered by George Weigl
Seed Starting Notes
Tips on starting your seeds before planting, from HCG Meet and Greet event
Where to Start
Tips on what to grow in your garden, from HCG Meet and Greet event
Soil Test Results
Check out the soil test results that describes the exact chemical makeup of soil at the garden

Kids Gardening Resources

National Gardening Association Kids Site
Resource of the National Gardening Association that covers school gardening, family gardening and resources
Earth Easy
A list of what to grow when gardening with children and other tips to keep them involved and interested
American Community Garden Association
The American Community Garden Association's tips for gardening with kids
Green Thumb Guide for Kids Gardening
Suggested by local gardeners as a good resource for kids
Gardening with Children
Earth Easy's guide for gardening with children, including tips on what to plant

Other Resources

National Gardening Association
Ask and share, garden research, videos and more to get your garden up, running and fruitful
Garden Web
The Internet’s largest home and garden community with forums, galleries, and dates for gardening events nationwide
American Horticultural Society
Gardening programs, magazine subscriptions, national gardening clubs and garden locator
United States Department of Agriculture
United States Department of Agriculture’s list of gardening resources; browse by audience or subject to find specific information you are looking for
Away to Garden
Month by month steps to take for your garden; website of the Martha Stewart Living garden writer for the past 25 years
Environmentally Friendly Gardening
Tips for reducing your environmental footprint while cultivating a successful garden.
Tips for Building the Perfect Garden
Landscaping ideas that will help protect your plants and keep it looking great
The Beginner's Guide to Gardening and Landscaping
A beautiful site with great tips on how to get started, the many benefits of gardening, and more.
Vegetable Gardening for Dummies
A visual guide helpful for novices and others looking to get started in gardening.